Mold Removal

Technically mold removal is not a stand-alone solution. It is instead part of the third step, and is the final and fourth step in getting rid of mold, following…  1) inspection, 2) testing if necessary, 3) and partly done in conjunction with remediation. Then comes the final removal.

Mold Removal:

What is Mold Removal?

When folks use terms like mold removal or remediation, what they’re really looking for is a solution that does two things.  First… kills and deactivates the negative health effects of indoor mold.  Then physically removing it’s dead remains and deactivated toxins, while ensuring the unsightly visible aspect of mold is taken care of as well.

Methods for Removing Mold

The three most prominent, and perhaps the only ways to remove mold are:  

  • Demolition & disposal

    Tear or carry out affected materials that can no longer be saved, and dispose of them.

  • Blasting 

    This method can utilize different mediums but dry ice pellets (CO2) is the most common. It effectively removes surface growth and that quickly evaporates after contact; leaving zero mess behind. Perfect for concrete, brick and attics where mold can build up on trusses or roof sheathing.

  • Wipe & Paint

    On some surfaces, there is no substitute, no better way, to remove mold than to wipe it down wit a microfiber cloth.  Once the surface has been disinfected, if paint is all that is needed to make the surface look new again, that “removes” the unappealing visible aspect for the least spend.

Which Molds are Bad for Your Health?

The world of mold and fungi is expansive, with more than 100,000 different types. While all are seemingly harmless to humans in small doses, some of the more toxic types can be dangerous if we’re exposed to them regularly. Six types of molds in particular pose a risk, ad can cause allergies due to their allergenic nature, or produce toxic compounds that poison our bodies, or even lead to disease.

If you need your home remediated for any sort of fungus or mold growth then it you may be interested to learn about these six types of molds, so you are better informed and able to make decisions about the best path forward.

We understand that mold spores are in the air wherever you go – whether outside in your yard or inside your home; you are breathing mold. The key to keeping your air healthy is making sure the concentration of spores remain below acceptable levels. Mold thrives in dark and damp areas where there is organic material, which is why the highest concentrations of mold are always found indoors. It is why mold remediation is a thing.

All Molds Are Either: Allergenic, Pathogenic or Toxigenic

Our individual immune systems and genetic makeup determine how we react to different molds, with some people being more resilient to potential health impacts than others. In rare cases, a mold can possess all three characteristics making them particularly damaging to your health.

Allergenic Molds

Allergy-inducing molds can cause a quick and severe reaction in individuals prone to allergies. Their repercussions, such as asthma attacks, can be particularly devastating for those who are exposed. Others can experience no noticeable reaction.

Pathogenic Molds

Pathogenic mold can wreak havoc on weakened immune systems, causing a variety of infections like chronic sinusitis. Additionally they may lead to yeast infections, bronchopulmonary aspergillosis or even certain types of pneumonia and thrush. Thankfully for most individuals with healthy immunity,  mold-induced sickness is rare.

Toxigenic Molds

Mycotoxins are one type of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) produced by some molds and are hazardous to our health. Often found in the air that we breathe, these mycotoxins can be likened to breathing smoke or aerosol sprays — affecting everyone negatively but making those with weaker immune systems especially vulnerable.  Long-term exposure can be fatal.

Note: “Cosmetic Molds” is a term sometimes used, which makes benign molds  sound harmless.  However,  there is no such thing as harmless mold.  We also don’t like the term because all molds are cosmetically unappealing. Mold is only safe when it is fully dead and denatured. 

Six Most Dangerous Molds for Your Health

  • Stachybotrys

    The link between stachybotrys and certain symptoms is claimed by the CDC to be undeterminable. However you can’t argue with thousands of people whose symptoms subsided after remediation. Suspected symptoms tied to stachybotrys include: fatigue, headaches, irritation of eyes, fever, sneezing, rashes, nausea. vomiting, bleeding in the lungs and nose and sore throat. Can be white, pale, orange, but is often called “black mold” because it is most commonly black in color.

  • Chaetomium

    A mold that particularly thrives indoors and is capable of triggering allergic and / or toxic reactions, and arguably pathogenic as well. Some symptoms include: sinus congestion, sore threat, sneezing, asthma, itch & watery eyes, and has been linked to certain cancers, neurological effects, brain lesions, and alzheimers.

  • Aspergillus

    Aspergillus is a pathogenic mold that lives both indoors and outdoors. Everybody in Florida has inhaled it throughout their lives. It is most well known for causing Aspergillosis. a disease that infects  those with weakened immune systems or other pre-existing lung disease.

  • Fusarium

    Very common in the outdoors, this family of molds causes disease among many crops. It also causes surface infections on toe nails and skin, as well as the lining of your lungs.

  • Penicillium

    Penicillium fungi are ubiquitous in our environment, typically harmless to humans. Unfortunately for those whose immune systems are weakened, these organisms can be virulent and even deadly.

  • Alternaria

    Alternaria is a fungus that can be hazardous to asthmatics, as exposure increases the likelihood of asthma attacks. Severe, and sometimes life-threatening exacerbations of asthma have been linked directly to hish spore counts of airborne Alternaria.  Caution should be exercised by at-risk individuals during the summer and fall months in Florida.

Your Solution

Get remediation with the lowest cost per square foot and highest levels of efficacy available.